The work-ordered day is the way the day is structured so that the needs of the clubhouse are fulfilled in an orderly, time-efficient fashion. Our work-ordered day is 8:00am - 3:00pm. At 8:30a.m. All members and staff hold morning unit meetings where the needs of the day are outlined and accepted. This structure allows all members and staff, regardless of what time they arrive, to know what the needs
of the day are. By sharing the "work" of the clubhouse between all members and staff, we are able to accomplish more.
Food Service Unit
The Food Service Unit is one of two clubhouse work units. In the Food Service unit, members gain skills such as operating the Clubhouse Snack Bar, Preparing and Serving meals for
Clubhouse members in our full-size commercial licensed kitchen, data entry, menu planning, and many other functions including general upkeep of their respective defined space within the Clubhouse facility.
Operations Unit
The Operations Unit is one of two clubhouse work units. In
the clerical unit, members gain skills such as answering the
multi-line telephone system and secure entry system, copying and preparing Clubhouse correspondence, data entry, statistic collection, preparation of the Clubhouse newsletter, checking clubhouse correspondence both in mail form along with electronic form, cleaning, upkeep, preventative cleaning and many other functions including general upkeep of their respective defined space within the Clubhouse facility.